The pathways are getting stronger hope to see everyone again next month – Sunday August 6, 2017

The Garguree Swampcare journey has been a fruitful, connected, re-connected journey. Yesterday (Sunday July 2) was another brilliant workday where we gathered to restore Country.

Here are some photos with descriptions to describe our morning and afternoon together.

Thanks everyone for participating, for being so open and real. For the strong sense of community, for the discussions, for the people who stopped afterwards to discuss our work at Garguree Swampcare.

Thank you Jane for your continual input, support and guidance. Thank you to Sandy for your continual support, encouragement and brilliant morning teas.

It was great to have Lily and Noah sing a song in language for us at morning tea that they were taught at school. As it was the start of NAIDOC and this year it is about language.

The pathways are getting stronger hope to see everyone again next month.